vineri, 26 februarie 2010

Un nou inceput...

Poate unele lectii ce ti le da viata, dor pana in maduva oaselor, si-ti bantuie neincetat trupul, poate fiecare strop de lacrima ce ai varsat-o ar fi fost un ocean astazi... Poate ca iubirea e acel sentiment ce te ridica salbatic la cer, iti da aripi si atunci cand crezi c-ai invatat zborul, iti frange aripile si te arunca la pamant... Sau poate e ploaia de vara ce-ti scalda trupul in mii de miresme colorate in caderea ei... Si totusi, te scuturi de trecut, de lacrimile ce-ti zac adormite pe chip... Si iubesti din nou. Fiecare sfarsit are un nou inceput...

Be here for me...

I'm not perfect, and i don't even wanna be... i'm just human with a soul within, with illusions and hopes, with feelings and thoughts, with fears and broken dreams. I'm just me, the way i am... i'm not just the face that you see, that's much more hidden there within... don't leave me when i most need you, just be there to hear you speak, to listen to your heartbeat, to feel your skin. Don't turn your back when i need you to be here next to me, to give me strength when i feel weak, to make me smile when rains inside... don't want to close my eyes and wake up alone, i want you to just be here...can you be here for me?!